I'm (currently) a striking redheaded, proudly UNfaux intellectual Asian living in the suburbs of Perth, Australia. I was previously purpleheaded until I got sick of people asking me if I was a Fremantle Dockers fan.
I am passionate about the good things in life like mouthwatering food, head-turning clothes, ego-boosting makeup and eye-catching nails. That said, I like to slow down sometimes and enjoy the simple things in life like a workout at the gym, a dance class or a road trip to somewhere laidback and beautiful.
My homepage features a pair of swans for two simple reasons: I was a classic ugly duckling and I'm a great believer in true love.
I probably won't ever post photos from my high school years on this blog because I'm pretty embarrassed but throughout my teenage years, I battled with horrific cystic acne and I was shockingly thin. I didn't have an eating disorder - it was genetic. In some photos, I looked so scrawny, it scares me now that I'm looking back! I never knew the reason why my skin was so bad but at the grand old age of 22, I was diagnosed with PCOS, an endocrinological syndrome. It's more simply known as a hormone imbalance.
This blog is also going to chronicle my journey from that recent diagnosis. Most lifestyle blogs aren't very personal but I believe in sharing to inspire and empower. My life changed after I got out of an unhealthy relationship at 18. Through makeup, nails and fashion, I started to make changes in my life and they helped me get over my self-esteem issues. I believe that superficial changes can empower women and can help them to accept themselves for who they are while helping them become who they want to be. There is a swan in everyone. I'm still on my journey on self-discovery and I hope you'll join me on this journey to discovering yourself.